SEP 2023 - FEB 2024
3D animation
Im 3. Mastersemester haben wir in einer Gruppe von 4 Personen ein Demo-Level für ein 3D Plattformer Game entwickelt. Das mit Unreal entwickelte Spiel begleitet einen Waldelfen und eine Drachenhummel auf ihrer Reise, den Wald vor der sich ausbreitenden Finsternis zu retten. Gemeinsam im Team haben wir das Spiel-Konzept, die Story und die Charaktere erarbeitet, für die ich auch einige Skizzen und Farbkonzepte erstellt habe. Meine Aufgaben bestanden darin, dass UI Design zu entwerfen, inkl. Logo und Poster, den Rig für die Drachenhummel in Maya zu bauen und einige 3D Animationen für die Drachenhummel und den Elfen zu erstellen.
In the 3rd master semester, we developed a demo level for a 3D platformer game in a group of 4 people. The game, developed with Unreal, follows a forest elf and a bumblebee dragon on their journey to save the forest from the spreading gloom. Together as a team we developed the game concept, the story and the characters, for which I also created some sketches and color concepts. My main tasks were to create the UI design, including the logo and poster, to rig and skin the bumblebee dragon in Maya and to create some 3D animations for the bumblebee dragon and the elf.
Link to game:
In the 3rd master semester, we developed a demo level for a 3D platformer game in a group of 4 people. The game, developed with Unreal, follows a forest elf and a bumblebee dragon on their journey to save the forest from the spreading gloom. Together as a team we developed the game concept, the story and the characters, for which I also created some sketches and color concepts. My main tasks were to create the UI design, including the logo and poster, to rig and skin the bumblebee dragon in Maya and to create some 3D animations for the bumblebee dragon and the elf.
Link to game:
Character Animations
Character Rig
Character Concept and Sketches
UI Design, Logo & Poster